Quickest, easiest, and most customizable solution
No more waiting 24 hours
Create, proof, and send your flyer instantly 24/7
Send a copy to your seller
Professionally designed flyers
No hidden fees
FREE web page
....and much more!
Exclusive Features
Protect your email address with SafeLead(tm)
Creative Flyer Design Center for over 400,000 possible combinations
Save time with our smart editable resend feature
Add your property photos with 1-Click using our IMX Image Xchange feature
Terms and Conditions
Our Mission
The Fast Email Flyers mission is focused on providing a service for local real estate association members to advertise their properties to other members of the same association, or one within close proximity where there is a reasonable expectation that a buyer could come from there, in an attempt to match "buyers with sellers." This would also include builders and developers offering Broker Co-ops. It should be noted that this service is not available to "for sale by owners" or private investors.
Anti-SPAM Policy
Fast Email Flyers is proud to be fully complaint with the Federal CAN SPAM ACT and maintains a zero-tolerance policy for misuse of our system. It is important to note that our Anti-SPAM policy goes above and beyond the requirements of the Federal CAN SPAM ACT, which is why we strongly encourage all clients of Fast Email Flyers to familiarize themselves with these guidelines.
Fast Email Flyers employs a double opt in system for all recipients added to our database mailing lists. Furthermore, we go to great lengths to ensure the integrity of our database lists by investing significant time and expense both internally and through 3rd party providers to ensure our lists are viable and SPAM free.
Since our database lists consist of recipients that have agreed to only receive property listing, buyer wanted and continuing education (CE) flyers, Fast Email Flyers usage is strictly limited to licensed real estate agents and certified real estate schools who are in good standing with the National Association of Realtors® (NAR) as well as their applicable local real estate association.
Users of the Fast Email Flyers system are NOT permitted, nor is there an option, to include personal or “sphere of influence” types of lists when sending an email campaign. Users do, however, have the option to include “two” additional email addresses in campaigns, keeping in mind that those are restricted to the agent’s client, the agent’s broker for approval purposes, office assistants or partners in the sender’s real estate brokerage.
Under NO circumstances are users of the Fast Email Flyers system permitted to forward or send their flyer copies to bulk email lists of any kind since those copies carry the Fast Email Flyers header information as well as links to our servers. This type of violation will result in the immediate cancelation of the user’s account and forfeiture of all remaining credits.
Payment Methods
Credit cards accepted online include Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and PayPal. We also accept check payments, but we require that at least 3 credits are purchased, which can be utilized in any manner by the client except to SPAM other members (see below under Usage and Responsibilities). For check payments please contact Fast Email Flyers via the Contact Us page. All checks should be made payable to Fast Email Flyers, LLC. Please also note that all charges to your credit card will show as being from "Fast Email Flyers."
Usage and Responsibilities
By using our site you agree that you won't tell anyone our trade secrets and will not use any of the information available to compete against us online. No competitors or future competitors are permitted access to our site or information, and any such access by third parties is unauthorized. You agree that you will not copy, record, publish, compile, reproduce, republish, use or resell for any competing commercial purpose any information on our site and you agree to not use any device, software or routine that may extract, copy, modify, import, export, replicate, scrape or otherwise deliver, in any manner, the data and information on our site to you or anyone else. If you do so, then you agree that we are suffering irreparable injury and that an injunction or temporary restraining order may be entered by any court sitting in the state of Nevada prohibiting the use of such information and requiring, without limitation, that any domain name used to advertise the competing use be redirected away from the site. In addition, you agree to pay all reasonable attorney's fees and costs incurred in enforcing these provisions.
Fast Email Flyers requires that all users of our service adhere to strict policies regarding responsible practices. This includes, but is not limited to, the practice of spamming other agents with flyers. We do not allow flyers for the same property listing to be resent within a 48 hour time-frame or flyers for the same real estate related event or class to be resent within a 72 hour time-frame. If you feel you have a unique situation, such as a time based event please contact us to discuss working out an acceptable arrangement. Please keep in mind that emailing the same flyer over and over only serves to anger other association members, ensures that your flyers will be ignored, and results in other members unsubscribing from from all future flyers. Please help us maintain a viable list for all members of your association. If you are found to be in violation of our spamming policy, a 1st offense will result in the offending flyers being deleted and a courtesy warning. A 2nd offense may result in the suspension of your account and forfeiture of all outstanding credits.
Account Access Restrictions
Accounts created in our "Membership Area" are for the sole usage of the individual account holder only. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES is account sharing permitted without prior written approval. It should be noted, in no uncertain terms, that sharing your username and/or password is not only a major violation of our Terms & Conditions, but may also constitute a a violation of Federal and State law. If you suspect for any reason that your username and/or password has been compromised it is your sole responsibility to immediately contact us.
Types of Flyers Permitted in our System
Please be aware that our mission and system is solely focused on helping Real Estate Agents locate and/or sell properties for their clients that are listed with their local MLS Board or through Builder/Developer systems such as Sales Traq. We DO NOT send referral, private investor, for sale by owners, or recruitment flyers of any type (It should be noted that the one exception we make is for flyers offering CE credits).
Cross-Region Flyers
Because we send out such large numbers of flyers in the regions that we service, we do not allow cross region sending of eflyers for numerous reasons; none-the-least because it causes agents to unsubscribe in very large numbers, which ultimately hurts the integrity of the over-all database list for the local agents.
We understand that some companies allow cross-region flyers, but we also know from experience that their lists are significantly reduced because of that practice. You have to consider that when agents provide their email address to their local association the only thing that they are agreeing to is to allow other agents to use that address to contact them in regards to properties listed in their own MLS, not for every agent across the country that happens to be a member of NAR to send them their listings.
Fast Email Flyers is owned and operated by a group of agents that are much more interested in the integrity of the eflyer business rather than making as much money as we can by blasting your flyers to half the country when it is just not logical. It simply doesn't make sense for you to send agents in another region your out-of-state flyers because 99.9% of them are not licensed in your area. Consider that if a local agent listed someone's home that was moving to your region, they certainly would not be working with that client as a buyer's agent for the simple reason that they are unlicensed in your state and/or region. At best, their client might ask for a recommendation, in regards to a licensed agent in your region, which their agent would most likely do immediately to work out a referral arrangement.
The only logical reason why you would want to send a flyer out of your region is if you could somehow target the general public. Otherwise, you are literally trying to hit a "needle in the haystack," being sold a bill of goods by a few unscrupulous flyer companies, and most likely in violation of the Federal Can SPAM Act as well as most State laws.
The bottom line is that we have to be able to sleep at night. Taking your hard-earned money for sending cross-region flyers, when we know that you have almost a zero chance of selling a property through those means, would be nothing short of irresponsible and not acting in good faith. We think you could find much more effective ways to use that money to promote your listings locally or in other regions -- how about a small ad in the other region's newspaper, which could reach hundreds of thousands, and in some cases millions of people, while potentially bringing you new buyers in the process? Most newspapers make it very easy and economical to get your listing in front of millions of potential buyers by filling out quick online ads like this one from the LA Times.
Unsubscribing from Fast Email Flyers
Real estate agents who no longer wish to receive email flyers from our service may "opt out" from receiving future flyers by clicking on the "Unsubscribe Link" at the bottom of any email flyer (or) by replying to the flyer with the words, "Remove Me" (or) by calling us at (702) 944-8854 or toll free at 1-866-433-5937, (or) by contacting us directly via the "Contact Us" page. Please understand that when you "opt-out" of any single flyer that you are opting out of all agents that utilize our flyer service, not just certain agents or brokerages.
Agents that receive direct removal requests from recipients of their flyers agree to notify us immediately by supplying the requestors email address via one of the options above.
Refund Policy
Since our system is automated, once a proof is approved it is instantly mailed and as such clients understand that the service has been provided and there are no refunds. We urge all agents that have concerns regarding their flyer to save their "work in progress" flyer and contact us immediately. No refunds will be issued for unused credits except in very unique situations, as determined solely by Fast Email Flyers, and only if requested within 90 days of purchase.
More Information Link
Clients agree to utilize the custom link feature to provide only additional information about the property being advertised on the flyer. Client agrees to not use the custom link to advertise other businesses, third-party related services, or the home page of your website. If linking to your website, it must be a direct link to the applicable property.
CC Email Feature
Client agrees to not use the CC feature to send their flyers to prospective business clients or anyone that is not directly related to the flyer being sent. Please feel free to send a copy of the flyer to your client to show them that you are Internet savvy and working hard to sell their property.
It is the clients sole responsibility to frequently check these "Terms & Conditions" since they may be modified by Fast Email Flyers at anytime and without notice.